Bea Spadacini

“Our goal is to educate and elevate conversations about the re-entry process of men and women who have experienced incarceration.”

Bea Spadacini

Founder | Executive Producer and Co-host
Bea Spadacini

Bea is a writer with a purpose, who enjoys looking at the big picture and connecting the dots. In her work, Bea seeks to educate, inspire and build bridges of understanding that highlight our shared humanity. From early on in her career, Bea has worked to promote peace and justice by elevating conversations that bring awareness to issues often underrepresented in mainstream media.

Originally from Italy, Bea has lived in the United States for over twenty years. Her works as a communications professional has taken her to both Africa and Asia where she was a full time staff for various humanitarian organizations. She has lived and worked in East Africa for seven years, with a base in Kenya, which is also the native country of her daughter Zawadi. As a freelance writer, Bea has written for The Guardian, Sojourner magazine, La Voce, Il Corriere della Sera, The East African, and various online publications. Bea’s interest in reforming the U.S. criminal justice system and addressing police brutality stems from her work with Amnesty International.


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